Croatian Symbol/Hrvatski Greb: courtesy of Tomislav Mikulic

Croatian Genealogy Online Newsletter

Issue No. 7, July 2002


Stari Rodovi Ogulinsko-Modruske Udoline (Old Families from the Ogulin-Modrus Valley)

The full title of this new book is Stari Rodovi Ogulinsko-Modruske Udoline : Podrijetlo povijest, rasprostranjenost, seobe i prezimena stanovnistva Ogulina, Ostarija, Josipdola, Zagorja Ogulinskog, Modrusa i okolnih naselja (Old Families from the Ogulin-Modrus Valley : descent history, diaspora,migration and the surnames of the inhabitants of Oguin, Ostarije, Josipdol, Zagorije, Modrus and the local region); written by Hrvoje Salopek in 2000 and published in Zagreb.

The Ogulin-Modrus region lies between the Adriatic coast and Zagreb. Stari Rodovi Ogulinsko-Modruske Udoline contains a wealth of family genealogical information. Besides providing a full history for the region, the book presents a history of the emigration from the region. Of particular note is the 15th and 16th century movement of Ogulian area families to the border region between Austria and Hungary, the movements to the coast and Slovenia, plus the 19th and 20th century movements to Slavonia and the United States. For American a special mention is made of Pittsburgh and McKeesport, Pennsylvania where a large number of Ogulin region natives settled.

Table 1 provides the family surnames that are described in detail and which cover over 130 pages in the book. For each surname a wealth of information describes, such items as the first recorded occurance, the towns where it is found, the first immigrant to the United States, and in which documents it is listed. The surnames include all derivations of the surnames in the original Croatian, Latinized Croatian, Hungarian, and German spelling variations.

1930 Census Records (USA)

The full federal census records for 1930 was released April 1st by the National Archives and Records Administration (ARNA). For those who are researching Croatian families in the United States, this new source presents a further opportunity to examine records of Croatian immigrants and their families since the last released census, the 1920 census, came out a decade ago. These records are available on microfilm.

Searching the 1930 census can be accomplished using either the surname or the geographic area. Those states that list by surname use the Soundex system for encoding surnames, but only a number of southern states have a Soundex index. These include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

The remaining states offer searching only by geographical location such as city or town, and can be defined down to the street level. The ARNA has a search page on their web site which will indicate which roll of microfilm is require for a particular geographical area. The microfilms are in series according to enumeration district (ED). A listing of all the ED districts in the United States is available in the Description of census Enumeration Districts 1830 - 1950 with film rolls 61 to 90 covering the 1930 census. To find out which microfilm roll you need search at

Stuparich Family Genealogy

The Stuparich Family Web site has developed into a very informative source for genealogy of this family whose origins are in 17th century Veli and Mali Losinj, Croatia.

This site contains a variety of information for the Stuparich Family and about Veli Losinj (the former Lussin Grande) the town where the family originated. Included at this site are family photographs, both current and from previous generations; several Stuparich genealogies; and several recent issues of a newsletter entitled Lussino bollettino produced by Maro Majarich of Australia.

The genealogies include the 17th century family starting with Simon Stuparich and continuing to over three generations. Little is recorded concerning Simon, except that he was born in the late 1600's. When his son, Martin married Mara Verbas (another old Losinj family) on July 23, 1718 Simon is simply listed as "Simuna Stuparica od Veloga Losinja". Also listed is the family of Gregorio Stuparich, born approximately 1855, and extending three generations.

For more information see the web site at

Marco Polo and Korcula

A web site by Dr. Zivan Filippi, Korcula and the Polo Family, claims that Marco Polo, the 13th century Italian traveler and explorer who visited China under the rule of the Mongol emperor Kublai Khan, and who wrote a famous book about his travels, has a family ancestry originating on the Croatian island of Korcula. Documentary evidence is presented backing up this claim.

Dr. Filippi states that the family name developed in the 15th to 18th century into the surnames De polo, Di Polo, De Paulis from the Croatian Paulovic and Pavlovic. According to Dr. Filippi Depolos families today are found in Athens, Greece, Ismir in Turkey, New Zealand, the United States, Chile, and Argentina. In Croatia the Depolos surname can be found in Dubrovnik, Split, Rijeka, and Zagreb. For more details see the web site

Table 1: Ogulin-Modrus Family Names

Antoncic (Antonchich Antontschitsch)
Badanjak (Badaniak Badanko)
Bakranin (Backranin)
Belancic (Belanchich Belantschitsch Bellanchich)
Belobrajdic (Bellobradich, Belobraidich, Belobraiditsch, Belobreidich)
Beljan (Belan, Bellan, Bellian, Belyan)
Bertovic (Bertouich, Bertovich, Bertowitsch)
Biscanin (Bihchainin, Bischanin, Bischtschanin, Biszchanin)
Blaskovic (Blaschkowitsch, Blaskouich, Blaskouicz, Blaskovich, Blaskowits, Blaskowych, Blasskhouitsch)
Bogdanic (Bogdanich, Boddanitsch, Wogdanitsch)
Bogovic (Bogouich, Bogovich, Bogowitsch, Pogowitsch)
Bokulic (Bockulitsch, Bokulich, Bokullich, Bokulitsch)
Borkovic (Borkovich, Borkowitsch)
Bosnjak (Boschniak, Boshniak, Bosniak, Wosniackh)
Bozicevic (Boschitschewitsh, Bosicheuich, Bosichevich, Bozihevich)
Bradjic (Bradich, Braidich, Brajdic, Brayditsch, Praidich)
Brajkovic (Braikouich, Braikovich, Braikowitsch, Preykowitsch)
Brletic (Berletich, Berletitsch, Berlitich)
Brozovic (Brosovich, Brosowitsch, Prosowitsch)
Bulat (Bulath, Bullat)
Buric (Burich, Buricz, Buritsch)
Butkovic (Buthkowitsch, Butkouich, Butkovich)
Cazin (Casin, Czaszin, Zasin)
Ceranic (Cheranich, Ceranich, Zeranitsch)
Cetinjanin (Czetinanin, Cetinanin, Zetinianin, Zetinnanin)
Cindric (Cindrich, Czindrich, Zindritsch, Zintritsch)
Crnkovic (Chernkouich, Chernkovich, Cernkovich, Zernkovich, Zernkowitsch)
Cop (Chop, Chopp, Ciop, Csop)
Cubric (Csubrich, Cubrich, Tschubritsch)
Domitrovic (Domitrouich, Domitrovich, Donitrovics, Domitrowitsch, Domitrowiz)
Draginic (Draginich, Draginitsch)
Draskovic (Draskouich, Draskouicz, Draskovich, Draschkowitsch, Traschkowitsch)
Dujmic (Doymitsch, Duimich, Duimitsch, Duymitsch)
Ferderber (Ferderbar)
Ficurin (Fichurin, Fitschurin)
Francetic (Francetich, Francsetics, Franzetitsch)
Fanjkovic (Frankouich, Frankovich, Frankovits, Frankowitsch)
Galetic (Galetich, Galletich, Galletitsch)
Galic (Gallich, Galitsch)
Gasparovic (Gasparouich, Gasparovich, Gasparovicz, Gasparowitsch)
Geric (Gerich, Geritsch, Gheritsch)
Gnjatovic (Gnatovich, Gniatovich, Gnatowitsch)
Gojak (Goiach, Goiak, Goyak)
Gracanin (Grachanyn, Gratchen, Gratschanin, Grazanin)
Grdesic (Gerdeschitsch, Gerdeschitz, Gerdeshich, Grdesich)
Grdic (Gerdich, Gerditsch, Grdich, Gertitsch)
Grduric (Gergorich, Gergurich, Gerguritsch, Grgurich)
Ivanac (Ivanacz, Ivanats, Iwanatz)
Ivanovic (Iuanouich, Iwanowitsch)
Ivcevic (Iucheuich, Ivchevich, Iwtschewitsch)
Jagnjic (Iagnich, Jagnich, Jagnitsch)
Jandrlic (Janderle, Jandrelich, Janderlitsch, Jandrlich)
Jurasic (Iurasch, Juraschitsch, Jurasich)
Juricic (Iuricich, Jurichich, Juricich, Juritschitcsh)
Jurkovic (Iurkovich, Jurkovich, Jurkovits, Jurkowitsch)
Kauric (Kaurich, Kauritsch, Khauritsch)
Keser (Kesser, Kezer)
Kesner (Kastner, Kessner, Keszner)
Kirasic (Khirassitsch, Kirasich, Kirasitsch)
Klisanin (Klischanin, Kliszanin)
Kolic (Khollitsch, Kolich, Kolitsch)
Korenik (Khorenik)
Kostelic (Khostellitsch, Kost, Kostelich, Kostellitsch, Kosztelich)
Krizmanic (Chrismanich, Crismanich, Krismanich, Krismanits, Krismanitsch)
Krznaric (Kersnarich, Kernznaricz, Kersnaritsch, Kersnarits)
Kucinic (Khutschinitsch, Kuchenich, Kuchinich, Kuchynych, Kutschenitsch, Kutschinitsch, Kutsenich)
Kurelac (Kurelacz, Kurelatz, Kurelec)
Loncaric (Loncharich, Lonczaricz, Lontscharitsch)
Lovnicki (Lounichky Lovnichky Lownitschki)
Lovric (Lourich Lovrich Lowritsch)
Luketic (Luketich Luketitsch Lekhetitsch)
Magdic (Magdich Magdicz Magditsch Magdych)
Majetic (Maetich Maietich Majetich Majetisch Mayetitsch)
Marakovic (Marakovich Marakowitsch Maurakhouitsch)
Marinic (Marinich Marinics Marinitsch)
Markovic (Markouich Markovich Markowitsch)
Mateskovic (Mateshko Mateskouich Mateskovich Matheschkowitsch)
Matijasic (Mathiaschitsch Mathiasich Matasich Matthiaszich)
Medved (Meddwett Meddvet Medvid Medvjed Medwed)
Metez (Mettesch Mettesz)
Mihalic (Michalitsch Mihalich Mihalics Mihallitz)
Mihaljevic (Mihaleuich Mihalieuich Mihalevich Michalliewitsch)
Mihanic (Mihanich Michanitsch)
Mihelic (Mihelich Mihelitsch)
Mlinac (Mlinacz Mlinatz)
Modrusic (Modruschitsch Modruszich)
Mogus (Mogusch Mogush Mogusz)
Movrin (Maurin Mourin Muvrin)
Neralic (Neralich Neralitsch Nerallich)
Novacic (Novachich Novacich Nowatschitsch)
Paden (Padien Padian Padjen Padzan Padan Pagian Patschen)
Palijan (Palian, Pallian)
Pausic (Pauschitsch Pauschiz Pausich)
Pavlicic (Paulichich Paulicic Paulitschitsch)
Pavlic (Paulich Paulic Paulitsch Pavlich)
Perakovic (Perakouich Perakovich Perakovitz Perakowitsch)
Petrusic (Pethruschitsch Petrussich)
Pezic (Peschitsch Pezich Peszich)
Piskur (Pischkur Piskur Piskor)
Plivelic (Plevelich Plibel Pliuelich Plivel Plivelich Pliwelitsch)
Poljak (Poliac Poliak Pollackh Pollak Polliak Polyak)
Porubic (Porubich Porubics Porubitsch)
Prebeg (Brebegh Prebeeg Prebegh)
Prebezic (Brebesich Prebeschitsch Prebeshich Prebesich)
Pribanic (Prebanitsch Pribanich Pribanitsch)
Puskaric (Puschkarich Puschkaritsch Puskarich Puskaricz Puskarits Puszkarich Puxaritsch)
Radocaj (Radochai Radochaj Radochay Radotschay)
Rahan (Rachan Rahann Raian Rajan)
Raspica (Raspicza Raspitza)
Rauzan (Raushan Raussan Rauzan)
Rendulic (Rendulich Redulitsch Rendullitsch)
Ribic (Ribich Ribitsch Ribits)
Rudancic (Rudanchich Rudantschitsch)
Rupcic (Rubchich Rubtschitsch)
Sabljak (Sablagkh Sabliak Sabliakh Zabliak)
Salopek (Sallopek Sallopekh Szallopek Szalopek Zallopek Zalopeck)
Sevrovic (Schewrowitsch Seurouich Sevrovich)
Spehar (Speharr)
Spelic (Spelich Spelitsch Spellich Spelics Szpeliz)
Stimac (Stimac Stimacz Stimaz)
Stipetic (Stipetich Stipetisch Stipetitsch Szipetitsch Ztipetich)
Stosic (Stosich Stosytsch Stoszich Sztoschitsch Ztozsich)
Sucevic (Suchevich Sudchevich Szudchevich)
Sudaric (Sudarich Sudaritsch Szudarich)
Susanj (Schuschan Sussan Suszan)
Tomsic (Thomschitsch Tomschitsch Tomsich)
Turkalj (Thurkal Turkail Turkall)
Turkovic (Thurkhouitsch Turhkowitsch Turkovich Turkovits Turkowitsch)
Udikovic (Udikovich Udikowitsch)
Ursan (Urschan)
Vidnjevic (Vidneuich Vidnevich Vidnjevich Widnewitsch)
Vidos (Vidosh Widosch)
Vrataric (Vratarich Vraterich Wrataritsch Wrataryth)
Vrbanovic (Verbanovich Verbanouich Vrbanovich, Werbanowitsch)
Vucetic (Vuchetich Vuczetich Wutschetitsch)
Vucic (Vuchich Vutsits Vuzich Wucsich Wudschitz Wutschitsch, Wutschitz Wutsits)
Vukelic (Vuchelich Vukelich Wukelitsch Wukellich Wukhellitsch)
Vukelja (Vuchela Vukella Wukellia)
Vukovic (Vukouich Vukovich Vukowitsch Vukovics Wukouicz Wukowitsch)
Zagar (Schagar Sagar Szagar Zagar Zsagar)
Zanic (Sanich Schanitsch Zanich)
Zilic (Schilitsch Silich Szillich Zilich)
Zlatar (Slatar)
Zlimen (Schlimen Slimen Szlimen Zlimen)
Zupanic (Supanich Zupanich)

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